interest group
Educational Institutions, NGOs, Companies, Cooperation Agency
How do we do it?
Climathons – Climatón in Spanish – is a program in which communities, citizens and young people come together to co-create ideas from the local level to face shared climate challenges. During a Climathon, people and communities collaborate to find regenerative ways to inhabit their cities and territories. The Climate-KIC organization developed this program and, since 2019, 2811 have led climatons in different countries and cities in America.
What does it consist of? A Climathon is mainly made up of an ideathon (or hackathon), both virtual and face-to-face, which brings together a diverse group of participants, such as public policy makers, entrepreneurs, youth, business leaders, hackers, academics, students and professionals, with the aim of exchanging knowledge, generating new skills and networks.
The ideathon is accompanied by activities and spaces before and after where the community is activated as an agent of change, knowledge is shared and new skills and networks are generated.
After this learning and interaction, the participants, citizens, entrepreneurs and innovators are able to put into action the tools and skills that they have shared and reinforced, and thus face the climate challenges of their territories.
Much more than a project
Allies in this project
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2811 has carried out 6 Climatons in 3 countries in America. To date, the led Climatons have mobilized change agents in Silver City –United States–, Maule and Linares –Chile–, Bogotá, Manizales and the department of Cundinamarca –Colombia.
What we do