Climate Action
Academy Fashion
What is it?
The Climate Action Academy (CAA) Fashion is an online training program promoting sustainable education, critical thinking, and collective cocreation developed by the international platform 2811 with the financial support of the European Union, and supported by Climate KIC.
The Academy aims to strengthen the changemaker skills of young people and professionals within VET schools who offer fashion education as a field of study and to motivate students, teachers, and other stakeholders to take concrete actions that promote sustainable and resilient lifestyles.
Be introduced to the objectives of the Academy, what is expected of the participants, and the learning platforms that they will use.
Understanding the climate crisis
Explore the links between climate change, fashion, climate justice, etc. as well as your personnel connection to these topics.
Education and sustainable fashion
Investigate the knowledge and skills needed in sustainable fashion, and how education can contribute in delivering them.
Sustainable fashion in the industry
Identify what skills and knowledge are required for a career in sustainable fashion. Explore tools for creative problem solving.
Envisioning a desirable future
Envision a desirable future for the fashion industry, education, and yourself.
Envisioning a desirable future
Delve into the challenges and solutions for sustainable fashion by participating in a Young Climathon – a method developed by EIT Climate KIC – afterwards.
The project was sparked by an international team of leading professionals in the field of sustainable education and social innovation, desiring to enrich our societies with agency, trust, and enthusiasm. At its heart, the Academy uses an interdisciplinary approach to address the topic of climate change and sustainable fashion via different methodological, didactic, and visual tools to enable a critical reflection on the latter. Through the project, participants are empowered to find holistic and innovative solutions to address the climate crisis and other local environmental challenges, while enriching their practical knowledge of topics related to sustainable fashion.
Who are we?
2811 is an international platform for social and ecological change with local teams in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Colombia, Brazil, USA and Chile. The team consists of more than 25 associated and volunteer consultants. Since it was founded in 2016, 2811 has contributed to building a community of socially and environmentally educated and conscious students, teachers, institutions, and leaders, and to disseminating knowledge and agency in the areas of climate action, regenerative development and social innovation.
EIT Climate-KIC as a partner organization is the innovation and knowledge community of the European Union for climate protection. It supports the methodology of this training, certifies teachers and positions cities internationally to strengthen the ecosystem for climate protection.
Participants will receive a certificate of participation after finishing!
It will take place between September and October.
Learning objectives
Participants are equipped with knowledge and methodologies that enable them to activate their educational communities for climate action..
Participants examine international cases of climate action from the educational perspective. They also gain access to a global community of change agents in the educational system.
Participants integrate innovative pedagogical tools into their learning path, creating new opportunities for themselves as well for their educational communities to take sustainability actions.
Benefits of participating
The participants will be able to connect with diverse and exciting experts from the field of fashion, as well as fashion students from VET schools in Germany and the Netherlands.
The participants will be certified in “Education for Climate Action” by 2811 and EIT Climate-KIC, Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative
In addition to understanding the relationship between fashion, climate change, and other socio environmental challenges, participants will be equipped with practical tools and methodologies to make a concrete difference
Learning activities
Throughout the Climate Action Academy Fashion modules, you will interact with the 2811 team through various synchronous and asynchronous mechanisms. The main types of interactions will include:
Series of questions -open or closed- in order to gather data on knowledge, states of opinion, attitudes or behavior of participants. They must be answered online.
Live virtual conferences, where participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas, deepen in topics that have caught their attention regarding each module, and at the same time, learn about cases of leaders in educational environments in first person as guests.
The CAA uses an online learning platform (Teachable) where readings, digital texts, videos, images and other educational materials are shared for the use of participants.
Discussions are a fundamental component of the asynchronous section of the CAA. Participants should comment on their appreciation of what has been studied and, if relevant, respond to other interventions.
In order to receive official certification from Climate-KIC, participants must prepare and submit an action plan to address a specific challenge in the field of sustainable fashion.
- How much? 5 Learning Modules over 5 weeks. The program requires 3 hours per week (1.5 hours of personal work on average, and 1.5 hours for online call)
- When? The CAA Fashion will take place between September and October 2023, according to the disponibilities of the participants
- Who? Multiple experts on sustainable fashion, sustainable consumption, upcycling, fair trade, education for sustainable development, etc…
Requirements for obtaining the certificate
The participating students will be certified in “Education for Climate Action” by EIT Climate-KIC Young Innovators and 2811.
They shall comply with the following:
Attend at least 3 of the 4 live sessions, as well as the Young Climathon
Complete the exercises proposed in the course
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Remy Rupp at
- Learn more about 2811 –
- Follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook as @2811platform