
Regeneration: a path of change towards hope


Repair the damage done to ecosystems and society It has become the objective of many organizations and people in the world who have realized that reducing consumption or having some sustainable activities is no longer enough, we must head towards regeneration. And it is that despite the multiple efforts that are made throughout the world, from individuals to groups, we continue to deplete the ecological resources of the planet long before it can generate new ones.

This happened in 2021, when July 29 was declared Earth Overcapacity Day by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) , noting that all the natural resources available for that year had been consumed. Something similar happened with the resources of Chile on November 28, 2015, which motivated regeneration , a term that perhaps was not widely used before, to become the banner of organizations and individuals who decided to become agents of change.

Regeneration is the action that proposes to restore what the planet has lost, beyond just minimizing its damage. This involves carrying out changes in the relationship that humanity has with the environment, assuming its interconnection, as well as proposing economic and social solutions that are much more inclusive.

With this objective, 2811 was born, the platform that today operates internationally with initiatives ranging from the strengthening of companies and educational institutions to a transition towards sustainability , to the articulation of various sectors to positively impact social problems, hand in hand with social innovation tools.

This work has different approaches, because depending on the region of the world in which you work, it is feasible to find more urgent situations, which, having the opportunity to be restored, will contribute globally to the improvement of other difficulties.

It's time for regeneration

According to reports from Earth Overshoot Day , not all countries consume their natural resources at the same speed, which leads to greater overexploitation in some regions, and therefore more urgent action for change. On the other hand, in other countries where consumption is slower, there are many social and economic problems that must also be addressed, with decisions that lay the foundations for equity.

Thus, from the beginning 2811 has worked in countries such as Germany, Chile and Colombia on projects ranging from awareness of the climate change and approach to solutions for this, applied from academic and integration areas, to the economic recovery, motivation to entrepreneurship and social inclusion, since it is considered that without correcting the human factor, a reconciliation with the environment is impossible.

Likewise, this vision and its positive impact have allowed him to put on the table of his allies the urgency of taking measures to recognize the reality that there is no longer a ecological balance, economic and coexistence, and that to rebuild it it is necessary to go a step forward, work for the compensation of ecosystems and admit the responsibility and influence that the mentality and actions of people have on it.

In this way, incorporating regeneration in the life strategies and development of populations and companies can be the beginning for communities willing to become agents of change, for resilient organizations and for a much more harmonious future, in which the natural resources of the world receive each new year with a little more hope.

Text written by Waldo Soto, co-founder of 2811, and by the organization’s team.

We invite you to learn more about our economic regeneration projects here .

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AC: Erasmus+ ClimateLabs









Waldo Soto





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