
We promote spaces for the co-creation of solutions


We work with agents of change to generate systemic and disruptive solutions that contribute to the transformation of our living on the planet.


We collaborate inter-institutionally to strengthen ecosystems of innovation and social entrepreneurship in territories or specific topics.


We exchange relevant resources and capacities for the regeneration and redesign of higher education institutions.


We prepare social innovation teams so that they can improve their systemic impact capabilities, as well as their business models and governance systems.

How do we do it?

In 2811 we seek to strengthen the ecosystems of innovation and social entrepreneurship that allow us to offer multi-sectoral, systemic, and sustainable solutions to the present’s most pressing challenges. We seek radical collaboration, hand in hand with organizations and groups with different experiences and backgrounds, belonging to sectors that are open to learning from each other, such as academics, business, and humanitarian. We are the channel through which relationships supporting change can be structured, regionally and globally.

We create and disseminate methodologies, tools, processes and spaces with universities, government entities, companies and NGOs, which recognize in our objective a common call to contribute to the positive transformation of ecosystems and vulnerable communities.

Spaces for the co-creation of solutions can take the form of laboratories, accelerators, mentoring programs or incubation programs for social innovations. With these spaces we seek to increase the set of capacities of the teams promoting the initiatives, as well as giving them better tools for the management of their organizations.

Initiatives that promote systemic solutions

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Como con Eco

Sustainable solutions to today’s climate challenges require systemic action. Como con Eco is a long-range program for the mitigation of urban food risks, addressing awareness and education for climate action in the Colombian youth population through the co-creation of solutions.

The objective is to promote actions in the new generations, educating young people as leaders from their communities, offering them sufficient skills and tools to be agents of change from the individual and collective role. Learn more about Como con Eco’s systemic strategy, which includes training in climate action, knowledge generation, Climatons and climate action laboratories.


Climate change requires radical collaboration. Climathon –Climatón in Spanish– is a program in which communities and citizens come together to co-create ideas from the local level and face the climatic challenges of their contexts.

During a Climathon, innovative solutions, projects and business models that respond to challenges related to climate change are identified and made visible, ensuring their alignment with the priorities of the communities, their territories and the different actors that play an essential role in climate action.

Are all people prepared to participate in a Climathon? All people have potential, which is why we have spaces before and after where they receive knowledge, develop new skills and generate cooperation networks.

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Hola América and Hola Colombia

In 2811 we decided to find in migration an opportunity for systemic change. Hola América and Hola Colombia INNpacta are two initiatives that strengthen the ecosystems of social innovation for migration in Chile, Argentina and Colombia, with the aim of improving the quality of life of those who decide to migrate or take refuge in these countries.

To address the set of problems usually associated with migration, Hola Amércia and Hola Colombia INNpacta strengthen social enterprises of migrants, create entrepreneurial ecosystems, and influence narrative changes regarding migration. Learn more to support these initiatives and change the lives of migrants in Latin America.

“Hola América has been an effort to coordinate, map, understand, but above all, empathize. Social innovation is also a way to understand others from a new perspective ”
Valentina Valech, Director of Ashoka Chile
“ Climathon is an experience in which in one way or another you end up improving your Start-up and increasing the value for society and the environment ”
Nicolas Clavijo-Buritica, Co-founder of Atalytics
“ Cooperation is the cornerstone for scaling climate action and addressing the challenges associated with vulnerability that we face if we do not act ”
Sara Vera Aguirre, Manager of internationalization and institutional relations EAN University
“ We make visible the potential of young people and teachers as agents of change capable of generating disruptive proposals to build realities that promote the well-being of people and the planet ”
Paola Sánchez, Director Como con Eco
“Hola Colombia is a commitment to the construction of the social fabric from diversity, collaboration and co-creation. A powerful alliance where through sustainable entrepreneurship and social innovation, we change realities. ”
Sara Vera Aguirre, Manager of internationalization and institutional relations, Universidad Ean


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Waldo Soto





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