Felipe Fontecilla spoke to us about his perspectives and opinions in his early days as director of AcciĆ³n ClimĆ”tica in [...]
Leer mƔsEcological Regeneration
Food resilience: an action against climate change
Resilience invites us to consider how we obtain food and how we use it to feed ourselves.
Leer mƔsGreen practices to make your company more environmentally friendly
Sustainability and green practices are all the rage today. Why then not take advantage of this with your company?
Leer mƔs5 students tell us the importance of food resilience
As with It is a project aimed at students to enhance food resilience. Young people explain its importance to us.
Leer mƔsFood resilience: 5 reasons why you MUST talk about it
From food sovereignty to equitable distribution in the world. We bring you why it is important to talk about food [...]
Leer mƔs2022 was a great year for regeneration and for co-creating
In 2022, our work allowed us to generate knowledge to build a future focused on regeneration.
Leer mƔsGreen and Just Transition Residence: 2811 offers you two unique opportunities to work for the environment in Berlin
Do you want to travel to Berlin to investigate and work for the environment there? Check the two offers we [...]
Leer mƔsThe focus of 2023 must be environmental education
The future is undoubtedly regenerative and young people are building it. Environmental education is paramount to that future.
Leer mƔsClimate migration, a phenomenon for which we must co-create solutions
When climate change, environmental degradation and sudden weather events come together, climate migration appears.
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